Datasheets : 1.000.000 datasheets for Electronic Components and Semiconductors CHIPMANUALS.COM was opened in the beginning of 2004, since that time over 600.000 users have used it. Every day over 2000 files are being downloaded from our site. We take into consideration that most of our customers have to pay for time spent in the Internet, that is why our prices are reasonable and low. There is no registration needed on our site, and there are no hidden fees. The procedure of receiving a needed file is fairly simple: - You chose the file you need in the list of search results - Then you choose your method of payment Depending on the method you choose, you can receive your file in a period of 10 minutes to 24 hours: - If you chose to pay with e-money, you will get your file right away - If you payed by credit card (temporary unavailable), it may take up to 24 hours, after your payment is processed you will receive an e-mail notification (new file bought).